Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Reading books

 One of the blogs I follow mentioned the "Miss Read" series of books by  Dora Jessie Saint. They are set in a village school starting about the mid-fifties. I read most of them ages ago when they showed up in my library... enjoyed them too! But the mention recently had me searching Kindle to see if I could reread them now. Amazon has some of them so I purchased the first one.  I needed something simple without murder, detectives and so on. ( BTW .. our library is closed due to covid).

Started reading last night ( I always read in bed!!).... it "soothed my soul". Just what I needed with my fear that something awful was going to happen today at the inauguration.  Luckily I was wrong about that!

If you didn't watch the inauguration... I highly recommend reading the poem by Amanda Gorman the youngest ever US poet Laureate .... she is amazing!!

Day #1  !!!    Believe it or not... a neighbor put back up his Trump sign last night !!

All the Christmas decorations have been put away.... It did get up to 50 degrees!



Joanne Noragon said...

It was a wonderful day!

Cynthia said...

I loved the Miss Read books a long time ago, too! Now you’ve inspired me to read them again as I had forgotten all about them.

Kay said...

I can hardly believe that Amanda Gorman is only 23. Her inauguration poem was absolutely amazing.