Sunday, July 28, 2019

Not much

Not much going on here. Bob's fix of the dyer was successful!  The next day he did all the laundry... just to check it out!!!
It hasn't been super hot but still uncomfortable enough... the mosquitoes have enjoyed having me for lunch or dinner.  My body doesn't like them and the bites are super itchy and puffed up. We don't spend much time on either our deck or my daughter's for just this reason.
Physical Therapy is helping. I go twice a week and do my sheets of exercises two times a day. That takes almost 45 minutes and leaves me really sweaty!! I have another three weeks on this "prescription". We'll see how things stand after the three weeks are up.

I am almost set for the next on-line bear and friends show!!
This is my "lead" bear friend.....
There is a link to the show from the side bar  image... "Summer Sizzler"

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