Sunday, July 21, 2019

Too hot

It's been too hot to do much of anything outside....  We have had temps in the high 90's with a heat index of close to 100.
When we first moved to Missouri we were "transplanted" from upper NYS and Michigan. Temps over 85 were very hot for us. But we acclimated... plus we had air conditioning!!
But... its not the temp really ... it's the humidity. This morning, though it was cooler thanks to the overnight thunderstorms and loads of rain,  had a humidity of over 92% and it felt miserable!!

Time to stop whining !!

I have an online bear and friend show coming up August 4 and 5th. So I have been using some of my "in the house" time to make bears and an elephant, a cat, a dog and a bunny !  I've also been READING ...   thanks to our library and my Kindle.

I've also been doing my Physical Therapy exercises.  My new physician's assistant suggested PT as a way to strengthen my leg , increase my mobility and decrease the pain. I thought I couldn't hurt. The pain isn't gone... yet. I really like the physical therapist. I see her twice a week and do her exercises twice a day...... and make sure Tigger the Tripper is not in my way!!

1 comment:

Joanne Noragon said...

It is way too hot, and I'm not a transplanted anything.
Good for you for following through on PT.