Monday, June 10, 2019

BLT 's and strawberry shortcake

We eagerly look forward to the first strawberry shortcake and the first, of many, BLT sandwiches.

When the kids were little we would go to the U-Pick farm. We lived in SW Michigan at the time and the owner felt kids could eat as many strawberries as they liked.... after all, these were his future customers.  Robb and I quickly picked enough strawberries for shortcake and strawberry jam while the girls munched away ( He did eat while he picked!).
That night dinner was a huge strawberry shortcake with real whipped cream.. nothing else. That has been a family custom ever since.

As for BLT's ... well we start having them when we can get "real" (non-grocery store) tomatoes... our younger daughter doesn't like fresh tomatoes so she always has peanut butter, jelly and bacon sandwiches!! Now her daughter loves tomatoes and readily snitches the small grape ones I buy for salads!!

Aren't taste buds funny??


Joanne Noragon said...

Great story. My granddaughter does not like tomatoes, and her BLT are bacon, lettuce and cheese. Bleeech....

diane b said...

Both sound delicious especially as I'm about to have lunch.