Saturday, February 23, 2019

green eyes of jealousy

When I read others' blogs of snow drops...daffodils  etc I get very jealous ! I sit at my computer overlooking everyone's backyards and see nothing but snow and mostly leafless trees.
Today I woke to rain... not enough to get rid of the snow but enough to clear off the driveways and street. Part of this week will be warmer than last and wet... and then back to winter weather....maybe even snow ( again).

My lasered eye is pretty clear but the lasering left me with floaters. Sometimes it seems like little flittery bugs are flying in front of me. Hopefully they will settle somewhere where they won't make me want to swat them with a flyswatter!!  LOL
Next Wednesday will be eye #2.

Aside from this I can see well enough to sew or knit or needle felt again... so I should stop complaining!  Right??

I have been needle felting Easter eggs... wool roving over Styrofoam eggs. The Styrofoam makes the eggs lighter and I don't have to use up so much wool roving. I needle felt a solid cover over the egg and then add designs.  Fun!

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