Saturday, September 14, 2024

More school threats

 There have been more school threats around Blue Springs.. high schools, middle schools... arrests and one deemed non-credible. Since these are minors making the threat, there haven't been any updates.

I have listened to my teacher/ daughter talk about how she can keep her students safe... all very scary. Scary for her... but even scarier for little elementary kids ...( and scary for her Mother!)

Bob was downstairs playing on his XBox when Jack ( the gray striped cat) peed on the rug right in front of him. I will go crazy if both cats start peeing outside of the litter boxes... Bob cleans the litter boxes regularly...

This is later... he is cleaning the rug with the rug cleaner and special pet cleaner stuff.


DrumMajor said...

The cats are stressed with the election news and school threats. They need that cat behaviorist called the Cat Daddy; or a regular psychiatrist. See if your health insurance covers such care. Good luck for such a perplexing problem. Linda in Kansas

Kathy G said...

I wonder if the manufacturer changed something about the litter that have the cats upset?

Kay said...

We had those scares when I was teaching in Chicago too. We had drills and I had to instruct my children on what to do if a gunman wanted to enter our classroom. It's horrible how we have to worry about this now.