Wednesday, September 18, 2024

blood spots on the kitchen floor

 One of my first tasks in the morning is emptying the dishwasher. But when I entered the kitchen there were red spots all over the floor... some were tiny ... some were the size of a nickel. They were dry.

I have no idea of their origin. Not mine... not Bob's.... and neither cat seems to be injured...but Jack, the striped older one, did not eat his breakfast and slept all morning.

So I emptied the dishwasher and Bob cleaned up the spots. We will keep an eye on the cats.  BTW, nothing in any of the four litter boxes or anywhere else.

later... Jack is more his usual self. Bob carried him out to the kitchen and fed him and he is purring. Still no signs of anything on either cat.  Jack is going on 19 -20. This episode could just be the beginning of Jack's decline.


DrumMajor said...

That is a mystery. Wonder if his bladder is bleeding, but he doesn't want the litter box, as if he doesn't know it's happening? Linda in Kansas

Kay said...

Oh dear... This is worrying. That would definitely make me nervous.