Sunday, September 22, 2024

no blood but more pee

We haven't found any more blood drops but the pee situation seems to be growing worse... yuck. More rug cleaning is heading our way.

Yesterday was a wet and thundery (?) day. The storm got close enough for us to turn off the computers and the printer.

 The cats were sleeping together on one of the recliners and the booms set them running.

Lots of Blue Springs areas lost power... and the Fall Fun Fest parade did not have the bands preforming and even the whole festival closed down for part of the day. Bet the Farmers' market did too!

But we need the rain... and will enjoy the cooler temps today.


1 comment:

DrumMajor said...

What a bummer! Can the vet give him something to calm the bladder? Maybe the kitty is scared of the election news? Linda in Kansas