Thursday, September 26, 2024

covid booster shots

Bob has scheduled booster shots from CVS today. Teacher daughter's school has mentioned the increase in covid cases and older daughter has been ill all week after working on a race event for Phoenix we decided we'd better got ours.

Teacher daughter and her family will get their shots on Sunday!!

The temps are back up to mid to high 70's....currently not fall like!

Easy peasy at CVS...we have our shots"...we'll see how it goes. We went to Walmart ( the small neighborhood one) and picked up a few things like wonderful green grapes, bananas ,  cookies from the bakery,  and OJ but they didn't have RedMills polenta which was our real reason for going even though the website said they did!!  Really friendly check out cashier!!

By evening I didn't feel great. My arm hurts... I have a low temp and feel punky. I took a Tylenol with my evening pills and may take Ambien to help me sleep.... and we'll see how things go tomorrow morning. We are supposed to go to the gym... pick up a book the library has on hold for Bob...hit the grocery store for the polenta and finally pick up something from the hardware store...


Donna. W said...

We didn't get the last two Covid booster shots, but plan to get this one. We always get the flu shot.

Bettina Groh said...

Bob had the flu shot but I am allergic... so I count on him to keep me safe