Saturday, July 6, 2024

not much going on

Hot weather... or raining stormy weather hasn't encouraged much blogging! 

We didn't go out to watch the fireworks around this area and the subdivision didn't do much on it's own until the fourth. Unusual... usually people start doing their own fireworks days ahead of time.

But the fourth got really noisy and I could see fireworks through our windows. Nicely.. people stopped around midnight!

Tigger.. the orange cat.. really did not like the booms and went an hid. Not happy the next day either!

Both daughters had to medicate their dogs... all three get really anxious over the noise.

The 3rd was our younger daughter's birthday.. everyone came over for cake and ice cream! She was my 20 minute baby and hand her off to a very surprised Father. The doctor had been telling me not to push while he madly scrubbed his hands...!  Not easy to forget all that even if it was 49 years ago!!  Later it seemed like all of Rochester, NY was celebrating I could hear fireworks all night!!

BTW... the thunderstorms left lots of flooding... roads covered with water and up to 6 inches of rain. We didn't get that much and we are in a high area.  I read that the Missouri River is also flooding from northern Missouri into Minn. I'm sure some of that will make it down here!!

1 comment:

Kay said...

What fun! My daughter-in-law's birthday is also on July 3rd.
We didn't get a ton of fireworks after 9:00 thank goodness, but somebody was setting off concussion bombs that was making car alarms go off.