Tuesday, July 16, 2024


This week has been hot as I am sure everyone knows. We decided to invite our elder daughter to go to her local Chinese restaurant for the buffet last night.

Nice chance to get caught up with her... in air conditioning and no cooking for either of us! Bob inadvertently ate a frog leg.... yuck as far as I am concerned. But he said it was ok but very little meat!

Afterwards we went to #1 daughter's house and visited with the grand dogs out on the deck. Even the dogs don't want to spend much time outside!!

Our daughter has been decluttering so we loaded our car with her "donations" which we will drop off at one of the thrift places.  Easier for us then for her to figure out hours etc.

Decluttering must be catching... daughter #2 and her family have arranged for one of those large metal dumpsters... Now they just have to get things into it!!

 next day.. it was too hot to get our "tasks" done yesterday... but managed today. Picked up the special cat food at the vet's... then off to the Disabled Vet drop off place ... then to the newly open veggie stand and then the gas station! 

The man running the veggie stand has been here for years! Picked up gorgeous tomatoes and a HUGE cantaloupe Bob helped me cut up the melon into meal sized portions and into zip lock bag!

Summertime dinner ..BLTs with Videlia onions on toast, cantaloupe and iced tea...all wonderful!

BTW Tigger (orange one) loves bacon.... he "attacked" a piece I crumbled up onto a plate next to me!

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