Tuesday, February 1, 2022

watching the weather reports... and so on...

Due to the winter storm on its way, my daughter's school district is going virtual Wednesday and Thursday even though Mo. Governor Parson has "forbidden" it !  The school district is also part of the Missouri Attorney General's suit against school requiring masks.... Guess doing what is best for the kids is not the governor's or attorney general's agenda... ??

It looks like lots of snow is on it's way tomorrow and Thursday!! Yesterday the temperature hit 62 by Thursday we will be lucky to get to 20... Crazy up and downs??

I am participating in another online bear show this weekend... the promoter is afraid this winter storm will wipe out her ability to run the show.... no electricity... no servers... and so on. She has a generator and plans "just in case".

We've done our grocery shopping and so are planning to just hunker down and see what happens..

1 comment:

Kathy G said...

Hunkering down with you on the other side of the state :-)