Friday, February 11, 2022

same old same old

 Well... not exactly. We have been staying home most of the time except for necessary errands like groceries, prescriptions etc.BUT... this week has our 56th wedding anniversary and Valentine's Day.

We celebrate early to avoid the rush!! Of to lunch we went on Wednesday to our favorite restaurant, Ophelia's on the square in Independence. We splurged with an appetizer ( chorizo dip with purple corn chips). The Bob has a Cuban sandwich and I had a smashed burger...Ophelia's has wonderful coffee  so ...  and the restaurant treated us to dessert (double chocolate brownie with ice cream).

There was enough leftovers for dinner that evening!!

We are heading out to our daughter's for a Valentine's day dinner on Saturday...

The weather has been almost springlike this week... grass is greening up and buds are showing up on trees and bushes. But winter is returning this weekend and temps dropping. I am glad I am not a farmer with fruit trees or grapes...

During the last cold weather and snow spell we put out lots of bird food.... and we were favored with juncoes, sparrows, tufted titmice, blue jays, a woodpecker, black capped chickadees,  morning doves..... squirrels!!

1 comment:

Kathy G said...

Happy Anniversary! It sounds like a lovely day.