Monday, November 29, 2021

All OK

 After all that awful prep... the results came back even before we left the hospital.  Everything great...!!

Hooray!! My stomach took a big turn for the better!! Guess I was more worried than I owned up to!

We always go to the hospital in our town ( about 60,000) when we need medical stuff. It has always been busy when we would go.... waiting rooms full of people... the lab full of people and so on. But not today.. one person here or there but that was it. Made us wonder...

BTW... Bob was ready for an early dinner and something to drink when we got home!!


Kathy G said...

Glad to hear that everything turned out well.

DrumMajor said...

Glad that adventure turned out okay. Good to get those screenings even if the prep isn't fun. Sounds like an efficiently run hospital. Linda in Kansas