I thought that I would like to wish everyone a "happy holidays"....the result

Then I started thinking about all the gift cards at the stores and wondered about the possibility of offering a gift certificate through my website . If someone wants to give one of my bears to someone... all they have to do is contact me via email. I send them a PayPal invoice which they pay. They print the certificate and "voila" someone gets to choose their own Glass Dragon bear ( or bear friend)! No one done it YET.... but maybe. I like the idea so much that I will offer it all year round; after changing the certificate's "look" to one more year round.
I think I've finished all my Christmas orders! Just in time for cookie baking and getting things ready for Christmas. The last group of Memory Bears left this afternoon.... and will be Christmas gifts to 7 grandchildren and a sister! This is the first time I've made them out of a quilted hunting camo printed coverall! I had the bears in a box waiting. Every time Dominic saw them he had to take them all out and put them all back!
I hope everyone has the best of Holidays and a Happy New Year!