Wednesday, September 18, 2024

blood spots on the kitchen floor

 One of my first tasks in the morning is emptying the dishwasher. But when I entered the kitchen there were red spots all over the floor... some were tiny ... some were the size of a nickel. They were dry.

I have no idea of their origin. Not mine... not Bob's.... and neither cat seems to be injured...but Jack, the striped older one, did not eat his breakfast and slept all morning.

So I emptied the dishwasher and Bob cleaned up the spots. We will keep an eye on the cats.  BTW, nothing in any of the four litter boxes or anywhere else.

later... Jack is more his usual self. Bob carried him out to the kitchen and fed him and he is purring. Still no signs of anything on either cat.  Jack is going on 19 -20. This episode could just be the beginning of Jack's decline.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Silver Sneakers

The other day Bob went into one of our local gyms and was told that people with Silver Sneakers can join as many gyms as they want... for free. Not sure how that works but Bob was told to bring in our Silver Sneakers cards with their numbers and we could join.... so that's what we did.

Today we went for our first visit...went well. We went before lunch and found just about all the others were as old as we are!! Went well... did some laps and some of the machines!

Yesterday our daughter made a batch of "glorified gingerbread"... Ina Parker is her great-grandmother.. this is a family comfort food... and it was a way to use up milk that went sour in the "olden days". Now we make the milk sour... lol.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

More school threats

 There have been more school threats around Blue Springs.. high schools, middle schools... arrests and one deemed non-credible. Since these are minors making the threat, there haven't been any updates.

I have listened to my teacher/ daughter talk about how she can keep her students safe... all very scary. Scary for her... but even scarier for little elementary kids ...( and scary for her Mother!)

Bob was downstairs playing on his XBox when Jack ( the gray striped cat) peed on the rug right in front of him. I will go crazy if both cats start peeing outside of the litter boxes... Bob cleans the litter boxes regularly...

This is later... he is cleaning the rug with the rug cleaner and special pet cleaner stuff.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Rug cleaning

Bob took the rug cleaner and the special "pet" cleanser and went after the areas Tigger  had left wet spots. Of course he vacuumed first.. the rug cleaner works better then. Things look better... and smell better. The smaller scatter rugs were washed..

Here's hoping Tigger uses one of the four litter boxes now.  I have my doubts but here's hoping anyway.

A local Blue Springs high school student has been arrested for making threats on "chit chat'. A school shooting in Omaha killed one!

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Tigger's newest accident

Tigger... the orange cat... has been peeing on scatter rugs all over the house. The vet ( and he has been twice to the tune of over $300) has no idea what is going on. All his tests are normal.

Well, today was the newest accident... I went to use my toilet and found a pile of poop on the linoleum floor! Not a good surprise. This is where my shower rug is usually... but after the last pee accident, I had not put it back after washing etc.

Tigger is 12... so not really old.

So what now??  A good surprise... our grandson Dominic came over with a card and some fancy cupcakes for Grandparents' Day!! 

And got to hear about how college is going... his classes... his room mate and so on!  He's changed a bit.. so glad to hear his enthusiasm!!

PS.. the Kansas City Star is saying this will be a good year for autumn leaves. We may try to find a good area!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

exciting times

 We had an "exciting" weekend....we were invited to my elder daughter's for dinner and visiting on Sunday. Just after we arrived the dogs ( Scout and Harper) came charging into the house , Harper was carrying something in her mouth with a gray tail. Luckily she dropped it. It was a half eaten young squirrel. All that was left was the tail, hind quarters and the "guts"... yuck. I got it into the trash much to the dogs' dismay. They then spent quite a bit of time trying to find another.

Dinner was great and not too hot!

Monday we were invited again for dinner. While sitting out on the deck the dogs discovered that another squirrel was in the tree just off of the deck. They tried to climb the tree... pulled down the lowest branches and low and behold the squirrel fell... landing dazed on the ground.

The dogs went ape... our daughter got them by the collars... and Bob got the squirrel into a bucket. It was sort of alive and tossed it into the woods behind the back fence.

The dogs spent the rest of the evening watching the tree hoping for another until some sort of noise came from behind the fence... and their attention moved there. If they could have climbed over the 8 foot fence they would have.

Dinner great again... fingers crossed the squirrels are smart enough to leave that tree and move to someone else's tree!!