Monday, April 8, 2024

Eclipse watching....

 Bob and I organized..( not really ... took out deck cushions so we would be comfortable) a place to watch the eclipse. We had our special glasses leftover from the eclipse in 8/2017 and a time table ....start, peak and end!

It was warm enough and sunny enough - 71 F - that a hat was necessary and my sweater removed! I took a glass of iced tea too.

And we watched... commenting to each other on the changes....  At the peak 95% totality ... the shadows and light were different and it was a lot cooler! But not totally dark like in 2017. Lots of bugs flew around and the peepers  ( tiny frogs) started up!

Well.. all over. There won't be another here for 20 years at which point neither of us will be around to watch.

Tigger, the orange cat... meowed and meowed at the open kitchen window which  is on the deck. He managed to escape through the deck door once and went down the stairs. He came back up onto the deck and we worried about what he would do next so Bob snatched him and brought him back into the house. I have this feeling that escape attempts will be tried whenever we go out onto the deck..... we are afraid he will attempt to jump down from the railing which is a full flight of stairs to the ground.

When the grands were little we had a gate at the top of the stairs  but that's gone now. But I don't think it would deter Tigger

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