Friday, November 17, 2023

Olden Days

 As I was finding a spot for our turkey in the freezer I remember the "good old days" when the kids were young and we had a big freezer. 

We lived in Rochester, NY and there was a little Italian grocery store on the corner,,, which meant home made cookies and desserts such as cannolis at Christmas.... plus we could order a side of beef!  Butchered as I wanted it and wrapped for my freezer!!

When we ( Bob and my daughters and I)  went back to NY for my sister-in-law's memorial service we spent our last day in Rochester reacquainting ourselves with our old hometown!! Our house is a different color.. the neighborhood is still great and the corner grocery store is still there...but not a little Italian one.

Those Christmas cookies and cannoli were great.. our beef was good... the freezer was full.... BTW the grocery store owner was glad to weigh my son on his scale to see how "the baby was growing!|"!!

1 comment:

DrumMajor said...

What wonderful memories! The butcher offering to weigh the baby is charming. Linda in Kansas