Thursday, November 23, 2023

Heading towards Thanksgiving dinner

The turkey is in the oven... veggie scraps and the turkey neck are simmering away to add the liquid to our gravy... stuffing is in the crockpot...pies are covered with foil and out on the deck to keep cool...table is ready to be set...

Bob and I are waiting for everyone to show up with their sides!!

Way too much food but all delish!!  Sent some home to our grand daughter who had to work ( kitchen at Houlihan's restaurant)...

Only one almost disaster... the crockpot stuffing!  Luckily I checked it but found the strip it had been plugged into hadn't been turned on! Put some in a covered casserole with the turkey and turned the rest up to high! Disaster averted!

BTW...every body had stuff to take home... the girls took each other's home!!


DrumMajor said...

Sounds successful! Hadn't ever thought about doing stuffing in a crockpot! Linda in Kansas

Bettina Groh said...

Drum Major... goggled the idea and it was easy to find. Make your regular stuffing... spray well the inside of the "pot"... cook on low for 4 hours... Though the leftover stuffing after my "mistake: cooked for 2 hours on high and was great!