Thursday, October 14, 2021

up and down life

 Doing the same old routine daily with a trip out to our daughter's so the dogs can have a potty break. The dogs are tired of this and would like to get back to their normal day!!

The only thing different is the up and down weather. One day it will be hot and dry... mid '80s... the next cold, wet windy and under '60!! Then back up... and then down. The trees seem to have trouble deciding what should happen leaf-wise. We have really almost black leafed maples which went crispy brown leaves which are now falling. We have spots of red on other maples. The oaks and we have lots of them are still as green as can be but are dropping acorns at an alarming rate ( we moved the car so it's not under one of them).

Our daughter's non-profit fundraiser is tomorrow night so life should get back to normal on Saturday.. hooray.

I did make a trek out to JoAnne's this morning and now have enough fiberfill for many many bears and friends!!

 There seems to be much more traffic than there used to be!!

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