Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Blog topics passed around

I was reading  ( also known as Musings) about what one would take along if one was evacuated... I hadn't really thought about it but maybe we should?

medicines... hard drives and password book... records... id...clothes...cell phones... the cats and their food... bottled water.. check books and charge cards... the list of family members - phone numbers, addresses etc

The list gets longer every time I think about it. And think about why we are having to leave... How much time would one have? 

If it's only minutes.. cats , get dressed, cellphones and wallet/pocketbook .... and get OUT!

It's not something we have had to think about.. We do have a tornado plan since we are on the edge of tornado ally. We do have a winter plan for losing electricity... maybe we should think about other emergencies??


Kathy G said...

I guess you're too far away from any earthquake faults? The 'experts' keep saying that one day the St. Louis area will get hit. (But they've been saying that for decades.)

betty said...

I think it would depend how much time you had to get ready to evacuate. All items you mentioned were great providing one had about 30 minutes to gather that all together. I was ready about the condo collapse in Miami and those who survived literally had seconds/minutes to get out of their place and start going to safety. I would scoop up the dog and that's about it, hoping I can reconstruct everything else I would need. Which in this day and age with the Internet it would be relatively easy to get copies of birth certificates, insurance policies, etc.


Bettina Groh said...

No earthquakes " scheduled" for Western Missouri ... Bob's input... those would be down in the bootheel area