Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Stuck at home

It seems like everything is closed in the Kansas City area.... all the schools certainly are. My DD is a teacher for one school district... her children are in another. Schools have been closed for the weather for 7 days in 2019... so far. Which means the school year will be added onto at the end to make up for these days... Unless the State of Missouri forgives the missing days.
When we got up this morning it was  -4 F out. Certainly not as bad as the states North of us, but bad enough. It is supposed to be colder tomorrow.
I am glad I had my eye appointment yesterday and that Bob did a grocery run after dropping me off at home! So staying home till it gets warmer is not a problem...

Two years ago I had cataract surgery. I noticed recently that my vision was blurry in my left eye .. like I was looking through frosted glass.  It seems that I have developed scar tissue around the "bag" which holds the lens in place. The doctor is going to zap it with a laser. Not something I am looking forward to ( in three weeks or so) but everyone acts like this is "nothing". They are going to do both eyes. One at a time, one week apart.
I've also developed "dry eyes" so now I do drops and gels...
Nothing like falling apart/old age.  Hand sewing is difficult with blurry eyes... and even the computer gives me fits.

left the blog for awhile thinking I might have more to say... my add-on is :

It's snowing !!
Probably not going to be much since it is quite cold still...


Joanne Noragon said...

Same weather here. I have decided to never schedule another doctor's appointment in December, January, February or March. Not even semi-annual visits. So there. Stay warm.

JanF said...

I have dry eye too. I am having success by using a suggestion I found online. When starting your shower, which I do every morning, put a little dab of anti dandruff shampoo onto your closed eyes. Gently massage it around the lids for a while and then stand under the warm shower allowing the water to wash it all away. You won't want shampoo in your eyes once you open them. This seems to work well for me and I have been able to reduce the need for eye drops.