Thursday, June 28, 2018

show went well

The Bright Star Furry Frenzy online show went well..... bears and fishies found new homes. Bob helped me get them packed up and off to the PO !
I am feeling much better.... the pneumonia seems to be gone ( hurrah) and the new surgery on the wound site seems to be healing ( knock on wood etc.) No signs of anything on the bandages.

Bob (DH) is still doing most of the inhouse tasks such as laundry, cooking, shopping etc. Though I am trying to take over some of them.

We had a nasty storm the other day ... thunderstorms, pouring rain with tornado warnings. The town sirens went off... which means a trip to the basement. I managed the trip down even though the last set of stairs doesn't have a railing. Bob plans to change that ASAP. A small tornado did touch down about 20 miles south.  Afterwards we saw trucks from the electrical company out fixing wires...glad our lines are below ground since the temps were in the 90"s. No electricity means no Air Conditioning!!

The weather person is talking even higher temps for the next few days... good time to stay home and work on bears!!

PS... changing menu ideas to avoid turning on the oven....

1 comment:

Far Side of Fifty said...

Glad your show went well. Yes menu changes here too...using the grill outside and the slow cooker or just warming up something out of the freezer:)