Saturday, March 8, 2025

a little lavender elephant

 I have been working on a little lavender elephant ... an order. Two legs to go ! 

I have been saying that when I reach 7,000 bears and friends it will be time to retire ...I have  20 to go. Not sure that I will retire. I have loads of supplies left... so what shall I do?

I made my first bear when my younger daughter was 9.  I won't say how old she is now but she is the mother of my 22 year old grand daughter!! 

When I was doing craft shows she would go along and carry a bear under her jacket . She would pull it out and tell people that her Mother made the bear and that I had a booth "over there".

BTW... she still has that "first bear".

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Missouri weather... weird as usual.

It rained and rained yesterday and then the temperatures dropped. Very little crusty snow today. I didn't hear much of the wind (which  had been predicted) but some of the local school buildings and my elder daughter do not have electricity..

So schools districts have cancelled school... or will be teaching from home.  School calendars will be reorganized soon..

My daughter's electricity came on... for ten minutes. Time enough to make a cup of coffee!  Then it went off....but she had her coffee!




Tuesday, March 4, 2025

rainy day... blizzard tomorrow?

Spent today finishing a bear made from scraps of mohair fabric...It rained all day even though the temperature was quite nice... 60's. But starting tonight a blizzard is supposed to arrive with super high winds.

Because of the winds schools may be closed... I'm glad I grocery shopped earlier this week though we surely could survive with all the Girl Scout cookies piled on top of the fridge.

Our TV is off... no Trump State of the Union address for us.