Tuesday, February 27, 2024

More blueberries

 I did another run through at the grocery store hoping to pick up more blueberries! There were more but the price jumped $2.00 a pint. Oh well... bought some anyway! Not the thing shoppers should be doing when trying to convince stores to lower their prices!

 My brother-in-law is still in the hospital. The doctors are still trying to find out what it wrong aside from the pneumonia. Lots of tests, a transfusion ( which made him feel better) and a shift to a single room which also made him feel better.

All of us - those of voting age - are heading to a petition signing this weekend... one to add a resolution to the Missouri Constitution  concerning abortion rights. The signing has to be done in person. 

Our dinner tonight will be an experiment... I bought some ground turkey when it was on sale . It is currently thawing in the fridge... a some sort of chili is going to be the result. I hope. Thank goodness Bob is pretty flexible about food and will even eat leftovers until they are gone.

Our teacher/daughter's students will be enjoying recess outdoors!! It is 64 F already (10.30am) !

Later... went up to 76F and the kids had a ball outside for recess!!

Divided up the meat, peppers and onions after cooking them. One half for chili tonight and the other half for something else. A little of "Better than Bullion" is making the chili more beef like... and lots of chili powder.... the final consensus was that it was ok, not great, but ok. So I will stick to beef for chili next time!! 

1 comment:

DrumMajor said...

I like your brave adventures and experiments in the kitchen. Feeding our family has so much 1950s guilt-ridden love woven into it, I used a number system with my family, which keeps the "don't want to hurt Mom's feelings" factor out of it. A "1" = never serve again. A "10" is "I'd eat it every night." A "7 or 8" indicated it was really good and could serve again frequently. Linda in Kansas where it snowed today; send some warm chili!