Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Up and down

 Bob had a great day yesterday... full of the old vim and vigor which made me feel really positive... but today we are back to the not so hot and tired day. He's trying ... and making sure he eats and drinks lots of fluids.  Guess ups and downs are to be expected...

After a follow up appointment with my cardiologist's physicians assistant I took her advice and got on the phone to push my pulmonary doctor's  nurse into finding out why  I hadn't been scheduled for another fluid removal procedure...waited  3 hours for a return call. Waited another  5 hours today for her to find out. Turns out "they" want another x-ray and/or sonogram first. That's scheduled for next week...  big sigh...

We woke up this morning to about 1.5 inches of snow... Almost all of the local school districts went to online classes. My "gifted program" teacher daughter quickly set up a zoom program for her class. Evidently it went really well... she ran out of time!  Her students had homework to do before their next class. This kind of snow day means the state won't add on a day at the end of the year and attendance is taken for the state too!

BTW... most of snow is gone though though there may be more tonight...

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