Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Scout's giftie

 We were out at my daughter's house finishing up some house repair chores when Scout ( my daughter's black younger dog) came running up the deck stairs with a gift in her mouth! I couldn't decide what it was and as she ran back down the deck stairs I followed her. I told Scout it was "mine" and she dropped it. My giftie was a small box turtle. Completely unharmed and all closed up into its shell.

I took the turtle and set it up on some boards and waited... slowly but surely it opened its shell and a nose appeared!!

We decided to put it out behind Laurel's wooden fence near a small creek. Bob carried it out hoping not to get any ticks.... it's pretty rough back there and it is tick season...! So no ticks and hopefully the turtle won't try to get back!!

PS Box turtles don't bite... they just pull inside their shell and close up!!


DrumMajor said...

Glad the doggie's mouth didn't get hurt! Linda in Kansas

Kay said...

That is so cool! What a cute turtle. I’m glad it wasn’t harmed.
(Kay of Musings) I’m identifying myself since I just realized that when I use my ipad I often turn up as Anonymous.