I haven't posted since nothing new has happened to any of us... we just go on doing the same old stuff. My daughter teaches... the other daughter does her development stuff... Bob repairs and sells his old radios...my grandson goes to school... my grand daughter works at the restaurant prepping in the kitchen and making salads... I make bears and friends.
Monday, January 31, 2022
nothing new
Sunday, January 16, 2022
update.. ?
Bob's shipments of N95 masks arrived and we gave some to our daughters.
Teacher/daughter's school is now up to 25% of staff and students either ill or quarantined. Thanks to Missouri's Republican governor no school districts are allowed to go virtual for more than 5 days this school year, so her district managed to work around things this past Friday. Monday is Martin Luther King Day, a federal holiday, and Tuesday is a staff training day. A four day weekend which will allow the custodial staff to go into ALL the buildings for a deep clean. Hopefully that will slow down the covid spread.
Wednesday she will be wearing her N95 mask !!
I wore mine for the first time today. Our area stats are pretty bad so we have been wearing masks anyway. Today I wore the N95 one... I like the way it has elastic to go over the back of my head ( no getting in the way of my hearing aids and glasses) but it is a little harder to breathe through it. I am sure I will get used to it!!
We were disappointed with so many of our fellow customers not wearing any type of a mask !!
As Bob says... it doesn't matter. We wore ours!!
Yesterday it snowed... starting late the night before with rain. By evening we had received about 4 inches. Bob was stuck shoveling the driveway.... and the huge swath of "stuff" the snowplow left at the end and in front of the mailbox. The temps have dropped but not lower than the 20's overnight.
Birds have been crowding around the seed Bob put out... juncos, sparrows, chicadees and blue jays. A sparrow tried to take advantage but rapping on the window sent him scurrying away. Tigger the Tripper ( the orange cat) sits watching at the window!!
He's also watches Bob at the front door window while Bob is shoveling...Tigger mews, not happy with Bob out there !! Also runs his claws on the window... nasty scratching noise which makes one have goose bumps!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Accumulating for a trip to the thrift stores
We are "lucky"... In our town we have four thrift stores: Goodwill, Salvation Army, Disabled Vets and Habitat for Humanity. I have been setting aside things and will be doing a drop off soon.
My husband's favorite is Habitat for Humanity... It specializes in tools, recycled building supplies, used furniture and the like. Bob keeps an eye out for "stuff" for his projects and drops off similar stuff!! I found a vintage Singer sewing machine and a vintage Anker machine there... both with tables and VERY cheap!!
But a drop off still is awhile away...
Bob ordered some of those "better" masks..N95 (?) Not sure how long is will take Amazon ...no definite arrival date was given. Now he's ordered another set...total of 100 ! 20 will go to our teacher/daughter... BTW... one day later and the price for the second set had jumped $10.00.
All the decorations are down and put away... except for our little tree. The ornaments have been put away but the tree waits for Bob to climb up into the attic... still plugged in and the timer on!
Sunday, January 9, 2022
fully vaccinated and boostered...
I copied and pasted from ( http://mynext20yearsofliving.blogspot.com) "retired knitter's blog".... she found it on Facebook...
Thursday, January 6, 2022
Christmas or Twelfth night
No matter which.... everyone is well and out of quarantine so we will be getting together tonight ! Pizza... snack stuff and gift exchanging. Packages have been sitting under the tree "forever" and we have been waiting to see people's faces as the wrapping paper comes off!
We had a wonderful evening together!! Lots of talking... lots of presents... lots of eating!!
Bob and I are exhausted... one load of dishes in the dishwasher... lots of wrapping paper, boxes etc out into the dumpster/bin waiting for next week's pick up ... and people heading home!!
Saturday, January 1, 2022

Bob and I had a quiet New Year's evening... started with dinner at our daughter's with her two dogs. We left early with all the hurrah mentioned on the weather updates.
We read.... watched some some old time tv ( Rod Serling and Twilight Zone) and waited for midnight by warming up some apple pie with Cool Whip and a glass of lemoncella... Aren't we exciting?
Some fireworks went off starting around 8pm
Finished up at midnight with hugs and kisses... texted family with Happy New Year greetings
Our Christmas decorations will be staying up until we can get together for our Christmas... covid be da***d,,,