It's been a long week.... we helped our son move into his new home ( QuikTrip transferred him from Tulsa back here to the Kansas City area) , my birthday and then Easter.
In the midst of all that I did find a few moments to make a few bears! And here they are:
Bitsy, Oliver, Hopper and Smidge
Luckily they are all hand sewn... that means I could take a " bag of parts" along with me and sew when I took a break!!
Our Easter egg hunt went well! we finally realized that the bunny should leave a list of what was hidden so Lili and Dominic wouldn't leave any surprises! The weather was cool but sunny so the bunny left everything outside which gave him many more "hidey spots"! There was a special egg for each with which they could earn their basket. This year Lili has a mouth full of braces and pistons so the bunny had to be careful... no jelly beans, no toffee, no caramel eggs, nothing with nuts. Next year Easter comes earlier.... will the bunny be stuck hiding things inside?