Thursday, March 20, 2025

red cabbage

 while grocery shopping yesterday I came across a small ( softball sized) red cabbage!! My Mother always made the best  red cabbage and I decided that what I would make today.

So today I shredded the cabbage... chopped an apple and put everything in my smaller Cuisinart pot... with a little water, apple cider vinegar and a small amount of brown sugar. And set it to smimmer.

Now the house smells of red cabbage... and giving it a taste test, it's almost as good as my Mother's 

We both enjoyed it for dinner... since the cabbage was small we don't have loads of leftovers!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

still super windy

 My daughter calls every school day on her way home ( hands free)... today's tale was her kids enjoying their outdoor recess but it was so windy that the swings weren't straight... luckily nobody crashed into the swinger next to them!!

And it was so warm the kids took off their coats which went flying!!

It got to 80 today but tomorrow the weather man is predicting at least an inch of snow!! 

Sunday, March 16, 2025


Things are slowly improving... hooray...  wearing loose pj bottoms is part of the reason why!!

Weird to find a coating of strange looking snow this morning. I looked like at rained on top of the snow...little holes and a crunchy coating. It's gone now!

Saturday, March 15, 2025

hematoma amd sleeping

 Well... the bruise has developed into a large hematoma. Wearing anything with a waistband is awful... so I am staying in my pj bottoms. Thngs are still painful and I am restless at night but sleep too much in the daytime.

My daughter and her family were in Springfield, Mo for her  sister-in-law's funeral when the funeral director had everyone come inside.. a tornado was two blocks away... They had planned on dinner in Springfield before they headed home but when everything cleared they headed home ASAP. The trip home was rainy and very windy but no more tornadoes. .. though there were more reported all over Missouri....I worried the whole time til my daughter texted me that they were home!!



Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Care Now

 Bob set up an appointment at Care Now for me this morning. He says that he told me he was going to.. but I don't remember. Anyway we were there st 8.30... no temp... great blood pressure and the doctor wanted an x-ray. No x-ray tech here in Blue Springs so we went to the Care Now in Lee's Summit....Nothing broken nor cracked. So it is Tyenol. cold compresses and time!

We arrived home... cold compress in place and I slept for hours... trying to stay awake now.


Tuesday, March 11, 2025

The little elephant... and falling

 I finally finished the little elephant and he will be heading off to Virginia shortly. I haven't made one of these in awhile so it was fun!

Good that I had something to work on.. fell on the way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Lost my balance and have a horrendous bruise on my back and a lump on my face. Don't feel much like doing too much so sitting and working on the elephant was good.

It almost seemed like Spring today...almost 76 degrees. We rearranged the deck furniture and tossed down all the branches from the last wind storm (?). The trees around are still leafless so sitting  on the deck was too hot!!


Saturday, March 8, 2025

a little lavender elephant

 I have been working on a little lavender elephant ... an order. Two legs to go ! 

I have been saying that when I reach 7,000 bears and friends it will be time to retire ...I have  20 to go. Not sure that I will retire. I have loads of supplies left... so what shall I do?

I made my first bear when my younger daughter was 9.  I won't say how old she is now but she is the mother of my 22 year old grand daughter!! 

When I was doing craft shows she would go along and carry a bear under her jacket . She would pull it out and tell people that her Mother made the bear and that I had a booth "over there".

BTW... she still has that "first bear".