We did get a few things accomplished yesterday and having warmer weather was probably ... partly the push.
First of all was laundry. We do it in one go with multiple batches. Every thing folded and put away. Bed remade...nice clean sheets tonight.
Made a new soup recipe ... hamburger, pasta and tomato. I added carrots and peppers to the recipe and ended up with a huge batch filling my BIG LeCrueset (sp?) pot. Pasta to be added later.
While the soup was simmering I worked on a bear and found I was almost out of the steel shot I use for weighting. After finishing the bear I went online to order more shot. A 10 lb bag lasts forever but ordering one bag was no longer a big enough order for this supplier . After searching I did find a new supplier.. same price but a little higher shipping... no big deal .. and placed the order. BTW no local store that sells gun reloading supplies handles steel shot.. just lead. Lead corrodes , steel shot doesn't.. not good for inside a bear!!
Bob and I have been watching the workers outside on our circle... First flags were placed last week. Now they have been digging holes and a ditch witch adds some sort of tubing. Not sure what it's all about... which utility. The yellow flags say Evergy... can't read the red ones.
BTW... it is 64 today and the snow is gone...and the ground is soft enough for digging.
Found a Canadian "loonie" leftover from my last visit !!