The days since Christmas have been quiet ones... grocery shopping, laundry, eating leftovers and so on.
Today things started going back to normal... some going back to work. The college students are still on break.. My teacher daughter is on winter break too!
My grand daughter... big pat on her back... got all A's again. She has had all A's since she transferred into UMKC from the two year college. We are so proud of her!! Two semesters till graduation!
Guess it's been too quiet for my daughter and grand daughter... they dropped by separately. My daughter came with donuts after she went grocery shopping... just to chit chat and have coffee. My grand daughter stopped by after work at the DMV to lend her grandfather her guitar. She's enjoying the college break and only working part-time.
I need a new hair stylist... so I posted on the Blue Springs Facebook page..I have lots of replies to check into.