Monday, December 18, 2023

Still getting ready

Well... today was putting up more "stuff" around the house. I want to be ready for our quilting group's Christmas get together on Wednesday evening. And I made another  new to me recipe for my part of the refreshments - a white chocolate, craisin and pecan "candy"

Placed more of my Annalee things.around... so glad to put out my huge Annalee Santa mouse up on the landing..greenery along the handrails...He stands 30 inches tall!!

I always tie him to the newel post so that rambunctious cats don't knock him down the stairs!!

I started collecting AnnaLee mice, Santas, angels, reindeer , etc when we lived in Michigan way back in the late '70's. I still pick up a few now and then.

Tomorrow Bob, the teacher daughter and I join the non-profit daughter delivering Senior gifts. They have been stored in L's basement as she brought them home, car load at time, from downtown KC. Phoenix Family has a senior housing site in Oak Grove!!

1 comment:

DrumMajor said...

Really cute big mouse! Linda in Kansas