Thursday, December 7, 2023


 Bob and I went on our first Christmas wants/needs lists from two seniors  who live in one of Phoenix Family's sites.

One said on his list that he never had Christmas as a child and that he doesn't read or write. BUT he wants a writing practice book as he is learning to do both.. I think I found one at Hobby Lobby! We found most of what is on his list ...

The other one wants a wire folding cart ... We hunted all over Wal-Mart and had several employees look up the cart on their cell phones... nope! But we did an on-line search , when we got home, and found one. But now we are worrying on whether she can assemble it and whether it is sturdy! Did find an adult coloring book for her! And a huge tin of flavored popcorn..

I don't think we done as much searching for listed items in a long time.. and are exhausted.

Our younger daughter... the teacher one.. seems to have picked up what lots of the kids and teachers have... the dreaded stomach bug. She headed home early and was planning on a nap ( woke later and felt and sounded worse - taking tomorrow off)

At Wal-Mart and Hobby Lobby three little boys decided I was ok...One in the Wal-Mart's check out line was young enough to just be able to say "hi" and smile with dimples!  He winked at me and when leaving I got a big bye-bye.  Two little brothers in Hobby Lobby wished me "Merry Christmas". We discussed whether they had seen Santa yet .."no" not to talk to but had seen him at the fish store. Yes they had been good and when they did see Santa we discussed  not crying so their Mother could get a good picture.

Enjoyed it.. especially since my grand son is now 17 and towers over me.. sometimes even gets down on his knees to give me a hug.

Heading out tomorrow for some more things on their lists like canned tuna, chicken, soups and Hershey bars ( his favorite).

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