Saturday, February 10, 2024

visitors.. hooray

 My elder daughter's work has a soup day. She made loads and texted us and her sister about the leftovers. We love her lentil stew so of course everyone said "yes". 

My daughter learned to make the stew in Morocco when she was part of the Peace Corps. She makes it every so often and whoever is lucky gets some.The stew has croutons made from bagels . Good bagels are getting hard to find here. One of the best ones to use were  pumpernickel but they definitely aren't available .here anymore.

My daughter dropped off the leftovers and we had a nice long chat. We haven't seen her in awhile ... she had a wicked case of bronchitis... slept and slept.. only getting up for bathroom breaks for herself and her dogs.

After she left daughter #2 and our grandson dropped by for their stew. We had nice chats with both of them. Our grandson is taking the ACT today and has two auditions with the Conservatory of UMKC March 1st.  His high school graduation is May 4th ( I think.. it's on the calendar somewhere so we won't miss it!)  

A sign that daughter #1 is better is her request for her Dad to help her replace the ceramic light bulb holder in the basement tomorrow. They took it down last fall to do "something" and she needs more light. The washer, dryer, ironing board etc are down there  The new light fixture will also have a place to plug something in.. handy.  As a reward she is taking us to the Chinese Buffet in Oak Grove... I won't have to cook.. hooray


Donna. W said...

Our next-door grandson loves that Chinese place. We haven't tried it yet, but we will eventually.

Bettina Groh said...

Donna W. ... give the restaurant a try! It's good and their buffet has loads of different items!!

Kay said...

Soups and stews sound wonderful. It's making me want to make some tomorrow.