Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Car ride downtown

 Bob and I drove downtown this morning... No, not to go to the KC Chiefs' parade but for my hair cut appointment. We were a little apprehensive... afraid that traffic would be awful but we were early enough that traffic wasn't a proble.!!

Actually the reason for this posting was not the traffic.. nor the Chiefs' parade... but all the litter along the roads. All roads.. not just small Blue Springs roads, larger Kansas City roads and worst of all I70 (the interstate)!!

I was appalled... the worst place looked like a whole truckload had fallen to the side of the road and the trash bags had burst and  scattered all over.

It seems to me that there used to be more trash pick-er-uppers taking care of things. Yes there still are some and some charitable organizations do it .... but it seems like there is much more litter now !!

WELL...the KC Chiefs' celebratory parade turned into another mass shooting. Latest I heard was one dead and up to 20 injured including quite a few children.

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