Sunday, February 4, 2024

Grocery store prices go down?

 I went to our Price Chopper grocery store this morning armed with a list... everything from bananas to soup to milk and so on. With prices as high as they have been, I do keep track of what is on sale when I write my list. 

Today's total surprised me... I don't think I have seen a total so low in a long time. Especially one that included meat. The sale items helped!!

Tigger still not back to normal... He did spend most of the night on Bob's bed but when it was breakfast time he was nowhere to be found. Called and called and he wandered out from somewhere. Ate breakfast and went back to sleep on Bob's recliner. He and Jack did have a kerfluffle about who was going to sleep there but Jack finally left it to Tigger.

Still watching bear sales...the sale closes tomorrow evening so there is still time...


Donna. W said...

I brought home some meat from Price Chopper myself: Ground beef and bacon.

DrumMajor said...

Does Tigger need to see the animal doc? Maybe you can pay the vet in bartered food. Linda in Kansas