Monday, November 27, 2023

Scan and Go...

I went on a Wal-Mart run for some things I needed for the family batch of "home made Chex Mix"... I found everything and added some impulse items. When I headed to check out I found there were no cashiers.. only scan and go booths. 

Rats... rats... each store's scan and go  booths are different and I was leery of Wal-Mart's. The person who "helps' told me no cashiers came to work today... but SHE.. she was very helpful! Got everything checked out, paid and headed home!

Looks like people  ( daughters and grandson) are coming Sunday to "help"... We make a huge amount to make sure everyone has some!

Then it's cookie making time from Sunday through Christmas!!


Terra said...

I love home made Chex mix, that will be a treat. I do not like self checkout because that means I am working in the store and should be paid! Also, this impacts the number of clerks they hire and I want people to have jobs.

Bettina Groh said...

Terra ..I don't like self checkouts either. But when one has the shopping cart full and the list taken care of and there aren't any checkout/cashiers one is stuck using the self checkouts. I'm not leaving my cart and having to do it all over again at another store. I was lucky to have a nice helpful employee whose job it was to oversee the self checkouts!!

Kay said...

Oh my... that's a surprise. We tend to use the scan and go though.