Sunday, November 12, 2023

Indianapolis ..Nationals

Dominic, our grandson is off with the Blue Spring Golden Regiment to Indianapolis for the Nationals Band competition. They all left Thursday... stopped somewhere for a quick band review since the band has not performed in a covered stadium before... and arrived Friday. Early trials were done and Blue Springs made the semi-finals ( one of 30!)  and will perform again this morning.

Heard via Facebook that the band did well!! Standing ovations for BS and a Texas Band. Should hear by late this afternoon how they did in the finals.

My daughter and her husband  drove there too and  "earned" tickets to the event by volunteering. They had to be at the stadium before 7 this morning and their job was to sell programs.  They head home Sunday as will Dom and the band.... you would not believe what it takes to get these kids to the Nationals! Buses for people  and semis for instruments, sound equipment and "scenery"!! It's a long trip ... over 8 hours!

This is the end of Dom's Golden Regiment years. He graduates in May and will be off to college! 

Later... they were top in their category with all three special awards ... just finished performing the finals at 10.45 Eastern... now everyone waits!

Finally heard that the BS Golden Regiment made 4th nationals... everyone excited... kids , volunteers , parents and "workers from music dept." super tired!! It was a long three days!!


Kay said...

Awesome!!! Congratulations! This is so much fun!

Donna. W said...

What instrument does your grandson play?

Kathy G said...

How exciting for Dom and the other marching band members.