Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Packed and ready to go

 I am all packed and ready to go. My daughter will pick us up around 8 am and then daughter number two!! I am so glad she has this whole thing organized... it's been so long since we flew and things seem to change all the time.

Leaving Kansas City and on to Dallas where we have time and change planes. Then off to San Antonio !

Our hotel and Laurel's conference is on River Walk... we will take a taxi or uber from the airport.

By the way... the fire was big enough that a barn full of horses had to be evacuated! The owner was lucky enough to have other owners offer stall space !!

Another fire ... grass this time... on the NE of Kansas City left two firefighters injured. One was still in the hospital this morning. The fire jumped a road trapping the two in heavy smoke.

1 comment:

Dee said...

Dear Bettina, hope you enjoyed OR are enjoying San Antonio. Staying by the River Walk must be a treat. I saw a PBS show on it several years ago and thought, "Dee, add that to your bucket list!" I hope also that the plane trip went well. Peace.