Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Out of the house

 Yes... the back streets were icy this morning. My daughter mentioned , in a text, that she had slid in spots on the way to her school.

Her class of first graders were glad to be back in school! She brought out Prof. Blue ( a big bear I had made her as she went off to college in '93). The kids were delighted to see him again . My daughter reminded them he was old and that I had made him. One little girl was surprised to hear I was still alive since I am her teacher's Mother!!  She wanted my daughter to tell me!! Aren't 6 year olds something else? She also wants me to make another.. a friend for Prof. Blue.

By noon... the temps had reached 39F and though the streets were wet, there was no ice! So off I went to Hobby Lobby for some bear Valentine accessories and then to WalMart for groceries!! Nice to be out! WalMart's parking lot was packed and the store was busy. There were even several manned check out lines!

It's still above freezing... wonder what tomorrow will be like!

1 comment:

Donna. W said...

Oh yes, that big Walmart in Blue Springs always seems to be swarming. Even if we are in Blue Springs for some reason, we usually choose to go to Oak Grove Walmart on the way home. My knees hurt all the time, and all the walking I have to do in that big Walmart wears me out. However, it does have a much bigger selection.