Sunday, January 7, 2024

Daughter's tasks

Our elder daughter asked if we could come to her house Saturday and help her assemble a new table and chairs for her kitchen.... sure was the answer.  They look really  nice and it is great to be able to sit and "eat" . The box containing the table was super heavy. The UPS delivery person managed to get it up half (13 steps) the front door steps. Not sure how our daughter managed the rest and got it into the house!!

After assembling the table was the task of bagging up the packing material - the dogs really wanted the Styrofoam ! - and the cardboard box. Anyway.. all broken down and into the trash bin for Monday's trash day!!

As we were leaving she asked if we could come today and help put up a ceiling light in the basement. Sure.. we were given dinner and Bob's  (he baked bread that morning) bread! Great ! But no light was put up ... too much time talking around the new table and chairs! Who cares... we'll do it next time.

1 comment:

Kay said...

I can imagine how grateful she is to have you there to help her.