Thursday, November 17, 2022

Rita's home made Chex Mix

Years and years ago my friend Rita passed on her recipe for home made Chex Mix... The family has started  its annual Christmas time request for me to make some. And so I did.... and passed on the first containers to my daughters.

Making it has gotten to be a little sad for me. First Rita became a widow and then dimentia,,, and her son came up from Florida and sold her house, got rid of stuff and whisked her away. At that point I wasn't sure she even recognized me... 

So I make her Chex Mix and think of how long we were friends and miss her...


Kathy G said...

It's funny how doing normal things will bring back memories.

Tehachap said...

Oh goodness. I am so very sorry. I have one sister left from 4 and she's in Texas (I'm in California). She has an inoperable brain tumor so I doubt I'll get to see her again in this life since I'm now on hospice care and housebound. My husband has dementia and it's just such a cruel disease. I am so very sorry for your sister and her situation. Life can be incredibly hard at time. Stay strong and know you are thought of with blessings and are surely not alone in your journey.