Tuesday, May 18, 2021

tick bite

 Bob was bitten by a tick about a week ago. It was attached and sucking blood when he tried to remove it. He was not successful in getting all of it.. the head remained. He cleaned things up... added an antibiotic cream etc. But it did not get better. When I saw the large red area I insisted he go to the doctor.
The doctor and his nurse said I was right to insist. The red area was a type of blood poisoning. They took blood and prescribed an antibiotic pill  twice a day.  

When the blood tests come  back the doctor will know what type of tick and what to do next. Some are very serious... here's hoping Bob's tick was not!

BTW ... he wasn't out "in the woods" or anyplace unusual ... just in our daughter's back yard!! Her dogs are protected from ticks... Bob was not!!


Terra said...

I hope Bob is well and didn't contract any of the illnesses ticks can spread.

Kathy G said...

How scary! Hope things turn out ok.

Joanne Noragon said...

Ticks are more and more common. Now you must check for them every time you come in.

Kay said...

I got one of those stuck to my tummy when I was pregnant. My eagle scout husband put oil on the tick to dislodge it. Nope. Didn't let go. So he thought he'd stick a hot needle on the tick to make it dislodge. Nope. But it heated the oil which burned my tummy. Was weird having to explain how I got that burn to my obstetrician. I'm hoping Bob's tick was also harmless except for the redness like mine.