Saturday, March 8, 2025

a little lavender elephant

 I have been working on a little lavender elephant ... an order. Two legs to go ! 

I have been saying that when I reach 7,000 bears and friends it will be time to retire ...I have  20 to go. Not sure that I will retire. I have loads of supplies left... so what shall I do?

I made my first bear when my younger daughter was 9.  I won't say how old she is now but she is the mother of my 22 year old grand daughter!! 

When I was doing craft shows she would go along and carry a bear under her jacket . She would pull it out and tell people that her Mother made the bear and that I had a booth "over there".

BTW... she still has that "first bear".

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Missouri weather... weird as usual.

It rained and rained yesterday and then the temperatures dropped. Very little crusty snow today. I didn't hear much of the wind (which  had been predicted) but some of the local school buildings and my elder daughter do not have electricity..

So schools districts have cancelled school... or will be teaching from home.  School calendars will be reorganized soon..

My daughter's electricity came on... for ten minutes. Time enough to make a cup of coffee!  Then it went off....but she had her coffee!




Tuesday, March 4, 2025

rainy day... blizzard tomorrow?

Spent today finishing a bear made from scraps of mohair fabric...It rained all day even though the temperature was quite nice... 60's. But starting tonight a blizzard is supposed to arrive with super high winds.

Because of the winds schools may be closed... I'm glad I grocery shopped earlier this week though we surely could survive with all the Girl Scout cookies piled on top of the fridge.

Our TV is off... no Trump State of the Union address for us.


Friday, February 28, 2025

I'm with Ukraine

 Take a look at Debby's posting...

I am glad so many on Facebook are standing with Ukraine and are appalled at Trump's  and Vance's behavior at the Whitehouse  meeting with Zelensky. Zelensky handled himself so well and we ( US citizens) are lucky that it was filmed and we can see for ourselves what happened!!



Thursday, February 27, 2025

Economic Blackout Day

 Did a little shopping plus picked up my prescriptions today... won't need to do anything tomorrow!! We hope others will be doing the same thing.

Weather still has been nice.. sunny and surprisingly warm but windy. The kids across our circle have a basketball goal... it has been knocked down by the wind yesterday and today.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


 Yesterday was gorgeous..hard to believe the temperature reached 64 and today is supposed to be almost as good. Our teacher/daughter's students had a ball outside for light/green light and tag! Just like I did a million years ago!

All the snow is gone and the workers are still at work on digging..adding green plastic boxes and using the ditch witch for the black tubing ( conduit).

We may head out to the Brass Armadillo... getting some steps in and looking at all the "antique" booths.... maybe finish up in Bates City's antique mall? Too nice to just stay in...

Did the Brass Armadillo but not Bates City..... didn't find anything I "just had to have"... though we did talk to another looker. She wanted our opinion.

Going to pick up my prescriptions and cat stuff at Target tomorrow... do NOT want to be tempted to buy anything Friday  ...the no-shop event


Monday, February 24, 2025

Somewhat busier

 We did get a few things accomplished yesterday and having warmer weather was probably ... partly the push.

First of all was laundry. We do it in one go with multiple batches. Every thing folded and put away. Bed remade...nice clean sheets tonight.

Made a new soup recipe ... hamburger, pasta and tomato. I added carrots and peppers to the recipe  and ended up with a huge batch filling my BIG LeCrueset (sp?) pot. Pasta to be added later.

While the soup was simmering I worked on a bear  and found I was almost out of the steel shot I use for weighting. After finishing the bear I went online to order more shot. A 10 lb bag lasts forever but ordering one bag was no longer a big enough order for this supplier . After searching I did find a new supplier.. same price but a little higher shipping... no big deal .. and placed the order.  BTW no local store that sells gun reloading supplies handles steel shot.. just lead. Lead corrodes , steel shot doesn't.. not good for inside a bear!!

Bob and I have been watching the workers outside on our circle... First flags were placed last week. Now they have been digging holes and a ditch witch adds some sort of tubing. Not sure what it's all about... which utility. The yellow flags say Evergy... can't read the red ones. 

BTW... it is 64 today and the snow is gone...and the ground is soft enough for digging.

Found a Canadian "loonie" leftover from my last visit !!


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Tigger is bird watching

 Tigger ( the orange cat) has discovered that we have birds  eating bird food on our deck railing. Bob wipes off the snow before he puts down a trail of bird seed. Tigger watches through the kitchen window.

This morning we had TEN mourning doves. some juncos, a starling, a blue jay and some sparrows! Tigger was fascinated.... 

I decided tunafish sandwiches would be ideal for dinner tonight. Tigger knew what was up the moment I took the tuna cans out of the cupboard and got out the can opener! Not an electric opener either!!

I open the can and drain the water ( tuna juice the cats call it) onto two plates... one for Tigger and one for Jack. Both were in 7th heaven and licked the plates clean!! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Still hibernating

 Still too cold to go out so we are hibernating... still.   Bob did go out to put the trash bin out at the end of our driveway. It was emptied... poor trash guys , I wouldn't want their job right now! Bob didn't go out and bring the bin back to the house. So there it sits waiting.

The KC Star says newspaper delivery will be questionable. Schools are closed. Restaurants are closed... and it will be colder tomorrow.

I made a turkey chili this evening.. not the best.  Worked on a bear and read...Tomorrow won't be very different!

Saturday, February 15, 2025

trip out??

 Yesterday we headed out to the grocery store. The fridge and freezer were looking pretty empty after a week of hibernating. I think we spent way more than usual but the forecast for next week means we will probably be staying home .. again!! Nice to feel all set no matter the weather!

Luckily I am a Kindle reader... Bob headed out to the library to return his things and to pick up things on hold.I say things because it was just books but movies..

Schools were closed most of last week due to snow and the cold and will be closed again Monday for President's Day... possibly closed again after that due to the sub-zero weather predicted. Wonder whether these days off are considered snow days and the school calendar will have to make up for them at the end of the school year.

Spent part of the afternoon making a huge pot of zucchini soup... my M-I-L 's recipe. Well not really a recipe more of a guideline. The house smells of Italian sausage... the basis of the soup. I also made another blueberry crostata.

My Wayfair order has arrived. I love the look of my new frying pans and  my new bathmat looks great and fits perfectly. Here's hoping the cats don't get a chance to pee on this one.


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Treating myselt

Well... we had some of that snow the Weather Bug predicted this morning when I got up and tiny snowflakes all this morning. They are predicted a heavy snowfall this evening.

So spent some time on a bear and then on the computer to look at frying pans. Bob and I agreed to two new frying pans - an 8 " and a 10". We had donated two of the same size time a few weeks ago  since they didn't clean well any more. I missed the 8 inch one especially . We then decided to order a new little rug for outside the shower. The cats had decided to use the old one to pee on and washing/drying it didn't stop them. ( did take them to the vet to see if there was a problem ... but no there wasn't).

Do like Wayfair's free shipping... variety of items etc.

So far... no more snow. Wonder what it will be like tomorrow morning?!


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Quote from Mrs. Moon

"I feel as if I know nothing anymore. As if everything I took for granted like the Constitution, the rule of law, like freedom and justice for all (okay, maybe not that but it was a good goal), have all been blasted into smithereens. Like someone had an almighty big hand grenade and hurled it right into the capitol and stood back and laughed as things crumbled and all of our ideals bled a silent death. "

This is a quote from Mrs. Moon of the "bless our hearts" blog... it says what I have been thinking!

Sitting and waiting for the two snow storms predicted... 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Fixing things...

 Since today is ice free and sunny Bob and I headed out to "fix" our health insurance updates. First off to Dr. Liston ( our cardiologist) to let them know we now have Signa Medicare Advantage . The office put our info into the computer and gave us new appointments ( July !)

Then it was off to Target to do the same thing for our pharmacy records! Hooray !

The rest of the day was spent puttering around, bear making  and reading... turned some leftover chicken into chicken salad for some great sandwiches for dinner which I served with a green salad and cottage cheese with "tinned" peaches ( Bob loves cottage cheese).




Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Cancelled errands

 We had all sorts of errands planned for today... we had received stuff from our new Medicare Advantage provider and we wanted to get things "fixed" at out cardiologist, pharmacy, primary care physicians etc. BUT when we headed out our car, the front steps, the driveway etc were all covered in a sheet of hard ice. Super slippery... Cancelled everything and went back inside for a quiet day.

A huge butternut squash awaited me... so I peeled it , chopped it up and put it in my large pot with water to cook. Then I remembered the pint of  blueberries in the fridge and went to work putting Joanne 's ( Cup on the Bus) crostata together and into the oven. Both things turned out well!!

Then I rewarded myself with some Kindle book reading time!

Almost all ( two including my daughter's didn't) cancelled school today  .. too icy... too many accidents. We will see how tomorrow is..






Thursday, January 30, 2025

Harper and her escape hole

Last night our daughter texted us that Harper ( her dog) had escaped  from her backyard... but had come in. Our daughter had meetings at work today so she asked if Bob could find out  how Harper had gotten out and do something about it.

Bob went to her house... tools  and wood in hand..

This is what he found... a hole under the gate and chewed  boards. ! Heaven knows how Harper who weighs about 70 lbs managed to get through the hole she made!

Bob blocked the hole with  large heavy concrete blocks and covered the chewed boards with wood screwed on ( on the other side).

Bet Harper was disappointed when she was let out when our daughter got home from work!! Plans being discussed for a more permanent solution!!

Harper as a puppy!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

spam phone calls

 We have had a morning of spam phone calls...all "phoners" are English as a second language speakers.. all in a noisy room with other speakers and all asking whether we are having a good day ! At this point we hang up no matter why they are calling!  We wouldn't answer the "unavailable" callers but sometimes it's important.

Red and yellow flags have been posted all over the neighborhood... posting gas lines and another utility. Plus yellow spray paint from the street to the houses... No idea what is in store...

Bob went out to talk to one of the men...He said it is a difficult job. The computer print outs of the lines are not totally accurate and he has a "reader" to find the actual line. He was out last week when it was super cold and wasn't able to put the flags into the ground. At least today is warmer.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Fourth of July???

 Last night it sounded almost like the fourth of July...loud booms went off all around us... the cats were not happy. Then we realized the KC Chiefs must have won.! We were missing the game but were watching something we didn't want to miss.

Well... missed posting this yesterday!!

This morning we spent a long very involved time on the phone switching our Medicare Advantage plan... now to Signa. I now have a new Primary Care physician,,, the same one my daughter and grand daughter has. Wonder how she will like having three generations!! Our current cardiologist and hospital are in network which is a huge relief.

My teacher daughter and her school's principal are working on the rules/regulations for handling ICE... The school has a large per percentage of "brown" students so there is a concern over the ICE issue.... also of non-teaching personnel ( such as custodians, food workers etc.)

It was warmer today... tomorrow is supposed to be too!


Sunday, January 26, 2025

borrowed picture

 "borrowed" this from another blog... but how true !

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Switching Medicare Advantage plans

It looks like we will be switching to Signa ( Aetna doesn't have a plan for 2025 according to its website). We would rather keep our cardiologist and St Mary's Hospital than keep Humana...Bob discovered that if we have a plan we can switch providers until the end of March!! Hooray..

My hands hurt like "heck" this morning... could not make fists.. had trouble with silverware, holding a cup and so on. Took Tylenol and things are better tonight. Did I spend too much time hand sewing a bear yesterday?

One of my quilting/craft group friends has died from lung cancer She was 75...the group didn't even know she was ill .  The funeral will be in Jamesport... about 2 plus hours north.... So I doubt any of us will go. Bob found her obituary by googling her...It asked for no flowers but a donation to American Cancer Society. So that's what I did.

This made me worry about another friend. This one lives in Florida and we went to grammar school together. She is ill too .. goes to dialysis several times a week . We write letters but I haven't heard from her since Christmas. I wrote and am hoping to hear back soon.

I guess I am at the age where this is going to happen more and more often


Thursday, January 23, 2025

hunting for a new cardiologist

 It seems like our ( Bob and I see the same cardiologist) doctors' office no longer accepts our Humana Advantage plan... we we are hunting one that will accept our insurance and new patients....rats!!

Bob is working on this using an "in network" list from Humana..

BTW.... we found this out when someone called. Bob had an appointment tomorrow which has now been cancelled. Our "old" office will do our prescriptions... for awhile..

It has been more difficult than we expected. Getting a person to answer the phone seems to be impossible.

We may have to go to the actual practice offices and inquire.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

still "down"

still feeling "down"... nothing I can do about it ...

Monday, January 20, 2025

Sunday, January 19, 2025

keeping busy

 I sent an email to the collector who wanted the tiny mouse. With the cold and snowy weather she hadn't been getting her mail... especially not boxes.. so we waited till things got back to normal.... her reply to my email said it was...

I boxed him up... added a USPS click and ship label and then realized ... no mail tomorrow. It's Martin Luther King Day, a Federal holiday. I can always drop the box off at the PO... or wait till Tuesday for my mail person to pick it up at my mailbox.

We won't be watching the 'un-auguration' ... but we will be wearing black. 


Friday, January 17, 2025

Out and about...

 Here's hoping today is as warm as yesterday! Our driveway is pretty much ice free and the ice/snow piles along side are melting. I am sure we will have ice again when the temps drop this weekend!

Bob had a dental check up this morning. The dental office was pretty empty when he got there at 11... but when he was done it was packed. His check up and cleaning  took only 15 minutes!!

When he returned I took off for the grocery store... list in hand. With the weather so cold, the list was long and the fridge was pretty empty. Now we are set again for the colder temps..

We decided to take advantage of Domino's Pizza's 50% off sale...We did a carryout... served it with a homemade green salad and a glass of white wine!!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Another lazy day

 Well... here it is, just past 11 am and I am still in my pj's. Haven't been feeling too well so it will be another lazy day!

I have been talking about retiring from bear making when I get to 7,000 bears or bear friends. That gets closer every day. So I have been going through my material stash and cutting out bears ( and mice). 

Last night I cut out two mice... I think I will cut out a bear later today when I "manage" to get dressed....These latest are fairly small so I can sit in my recliner and hand sew them with a cup of coffee , hot chai tea or hot cider by my side!!

Later... did finally get dressed. Then I boiled eggs for egg and black olive sandwiches ( dinner)... peeled and chopped them and put them in a covered container to cool in the fridge. Don't want to add mayo to hot eggs!

With a green salad, egg salad on toast made a fine dinner!

 I have started sewing the mouse... he is going to be a gray/brown with pale gold Ultrasuede paw pads etc... and a pink nose! The mohair fabric is very distressed and I think he will be cute!!

My grand daughter stopped by on her way home from buying art supplies and regular supplies for the semester that starts next week... her all A's put her on the dean's list!! 

My computer says it is 6F outside....cold! We put on our gas insert fireplace this evening... felt really good! 

PS Bob got all the Christmas storage containers back up in the attic

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Nothing much ...

I haven't posted because nothing new has happened...we don't need anything from the grocery store. We have enough books to keep us busy and Bob did enough to the snow covered driveway that we could get out if we needed to.

Bob borrowed our grand daughter's guitar and he borrowed some library books about guitars. With Lili's permission he is going to "lower the bridge" and make it a more playable guitar.

If finished a tiny mouse... 3.5 inched seated...a  request from a collector of mine. I will pack him up and put it out in the mailbox tomorrow ( USPS Click and Ship).

Today looks like some of the snow will melt. It's currently 35 F. Fingers crossed that the ice at the end of the driveway by the garage will be crack-able and re-moveable.. I worry about falling every time I go out!!


 Saw this on a blog... it was for a phone... but I liked it!!


Won't be mailing the mouse for awhile... the collector said St. Louis mail is having delivery problems. Lazy day for us.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Made it out!

 Bob worked clearing our driveway is smallish bits... he has had a heart attack plus it is quite cold. But he succeeded and we were able to go and get our prescriptions, cat food and groceries!!

Our Market Walmart was missing things... no bananas, celery, grapes, large peppers. But did have most everything else! So we have stocked up and will see if we have more snow tomorrow evening.

Our snow total was about 12 inches. Blue Springs did plow our cul de sac in the middle of the night and didn't pile snow at the end of the driveways!  Smaller residential streets are plowed under private plows do the big streets.

The mailman made it... even got out of his vehicle  to put mail in our boxes. Trash was postponed a day but they came today.

Being housebound I have already finished the required number of books for the Library reading challenge... will turn in my sheet tomorrow or Friday.

No mail tomorrow... federal and gov't offices closed for Jimmy Carter's funeral.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Not too much so far

 I woke up this morning with a couple of inches of snow ( on top of a coating of ice) our decision to stay home is still in effect!!

We have about 6 inches of snow now and looking out of the office window we are in a white out. Not sure whether that's snow or wind and snow!!

It IS cold... my computer says 15 degrees.

Lots of closings... churches, businesses, schools (tomorrow) .. no Kansas City Star paper this morning. I won't miss lots of the political or sports stuff but today is the day for Sunday Funnies which I will miss!!

Bob opened the heat vents in the garage... that will make sure the pipes don't freeze in my bathroom which is just above. I will also keep the cupboard doors open to keep things warmer for the  bathroom sink pipes!! Things will be colder tonight!!

Not sure how much snow we've gotten... it has been too windy ( over 35mph)  and the snow is all over. A meteorologist wrote on FB that winds over 35 mph for 3 plus hours is a blizzard... with snow of course!

I've been cooking cold weather food... chicken soup/stew yesterday... today was a quiche from a nice hot oven!!

Saturday, January 4, 2025

waiting and watching...

 A nasty storm is predicted for all of our area. I even saw a map predicting snow from Western Kansas to the East coast!! 

We will not be going out... our "larder" and fridge are pretty well stocked. Gas heat, gas stove and a gas fireplace.... our utilities are underground and we do not loose electricity very often...

So I 've spent almost the whole day working on a big bear. I just need  the legs - sew and stuff and attach - finished and then stuff the body and he will be done. Someone wants a tiny mouse so that will be next. 

I signed up to the Mid-Continent Library's reading challenge and have two books read and on the list. Downloaded several books for my Kindle... when read they will go on the list too. So even if we are house bound with snow and ice I won't be bored!!

LATER... reading on FB about all the accidents around here. One picture showed a semi-truck across all the lanes on I 70 just west of Blue Springs... another report was a 200 vehicle accident. Highways are closed.  KCI airport closed for awhile...

NOT GOING OUT...staying home!!