Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Poor Blue Springs Wal-Mart

 Something is going on at my Wally World... fencing around construction equipment has made the parking lot shrink to half size and the store has erected no parking signs for unattended trucks,  cars and campers parked overnight even threatening tow aways!!

Today the store is closed... evidently a leak which they are currently cleaning up!! Someone even remarked on getting a front line parking spot before he knew that it was closed... LOL

Lili had some better news about her apartment... it may not be condemned. But with  6 or 7 fires in the complex over the past year, she wants to find another apartment. But  she can stay ( it looks like) while she looks for a new place and they can move at their leisure.

LATER ...Evidently the leak is in the food section... the rest of the store has opened... someone posted on FB's Blue Springs page a picture of the water (?).

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