Saturday, November 6, 2021

PO... and then a craft show...then dinner out

It's off to the PO tomorrow with loads of boxes containing bears sold on the online show I am participating in!! They all have prepaid labels so I don't have to do anything but leave them. No standing on line... etc.

Then we are headed off to a local craft show.. I am happy that they are being held again. I like to see what others have been making . At this time of the year I look for gifts for my friends!!

My daughter returned from San Diego yesterday and has asked us to dinner tomorrow. We are looking forward to seeing her and hearing how the trip went...

it's now tomorrow..easy wasn't it??

Younger daughter came over before we could leave to put a bunch of things in a manila envelope for one of her students that had just moved... hoping things from his old school such as notes from classmates, drawings etc. would make the move a little easier.

We added the envelope to my bunch of bear boxes for the PO and off we went.

Reading in the paper that our usual route to the craft store would have construction delays, we took another route which ended up being a chance to see all the changes that had occurred over the last 6 months or so.... and a trip through a local county park where we noticed the trees have started their change... from green to dull green. So far only a few have gone orange or red.

The craft show was interesting. I don't think I have seen so many crocheted hats, gloves, blankets etc. Signs of people staying home relieving the boredom by crochet hook?? Also lots of jewelry... home decor..

Bob bought a mouse on a sled... hm? ... and put it on display when we got home. I bought reindeer horns with snowflakes and bells for our teacher daughter to wear when it gets closer to Christmas ( in the classroom... lol) and some tasty honey infused with black walnuts to put on toast or bagels.  Yummy... I had some on a bagel for lunch when we got home.

Now it is putter around time till we leave for our dinner out!

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