Tuesday, November 16, 2021

days gone by

Our dinner out was a good one.. we all ordered a pitcher of Granny Smith apple sangria ... enough for all four of us with a little top up at the end. Each of us chose our dinner and had enough dessert to take some home in a doggie box!!

Our grandson was on his way home ( during our dinner out) from the Golden Regiment's national band competition in Indianapolis. The Blue Springs Band was #10 in the nation!! He was delighted... The weekend was full !! The bus trip was about 10 hours each way!!  And everyone was exhausted!!

Yesterday Bob went to our daughter's house to do a "doggie pee break" session. Our daughter had meetings again and the time she would be away was too long for the dogs.  When he got there the town's Animal Control people asked him if they could set up a trap near our daughter's front steps. They were hoping to catch a sick feral young cat. This morning the trap hadn't caught the cat but DID catch a huge raccoon!! 


This morning our older cat had a vet's appointment - 6 month check up. Bob sat with the cat in his carried for almost an hour before he got up and reminded them they were waiting. The front desk had forgotten him!! Anyway... Jack is fine and due back in 6 months. Expensive!!!  But he was one of Robb's two cats.

Bob is out again to our daughter's for another"pee" duty call. Wonder if Animal Control released the raccoon? I'll have to ask!!

BTW ... he'll probably be doing this quite often... the non-profit is gearing up for the Christmas gift giving for their clients "in need".. So our daughter will be working a lot and long hours.

1 comment:

Kay said...

You are wonderful pet sitters. I wonder what they do with the raccoons.