Sunday, January 3, 2021

past midnight ...

 We stayed up ... had our snack and a New Years toast..... but stayed up for another hour just to make sure that it was 2021!!

Lots of our neighbors set off fireworks... not just the noisy boom kind but the ones that go up in the sir and cascade down in all sorts of patterns and colors!!

Our daughters came over this afternoon for coffee and leftover Christmas cookies. It is the first time all 4 of us have been together since last spring. It was nice. If we all stay healthy it won't be that long again.

The "girls" will be receiving their Covid vaccines shortly. One next week as an essential worker. The other is a teacher and she is registered with the health department for the following tier. I will be glad when they are vaccinated.

Politically life is still in  turmoil... hibernation until January 21??  Or maybe I will just make bears like mad!!

BTW... nearly fell down the steps this morning on the way out for the paper. The steps had a thick layer of ice but I was holding onto the railing. No harm down except one knee is a little achey.  I should have known to be extra careful when I saw how far the paper had slid down the driveway from where it was thrown!!

1 comment:

Joanne Noragon said...

Our overnight ice turned to drizzle and slush.