Saturday, May 18, 2019

Here we go again

After tantalizing us with days of warm wonderful weather, the weather people say we will have a week of on and off rain.  Yuck... Luckily we brought the deck chair cushions into the house and so none of them are wet.
My deck flowers seem happy....

Today's storm band brought tornadoes from Texas to Nebraska. Luckily they were west of us.  We do have flash flooding and street closures  in the area.  Tomorrow , if it is dry after noon, I am going to talk  my husband into a short road trip to visit a winery and then home via the road which runs along the Missouri River. I am curious to see how high the water is.  The ground is so saturated that it runs off into the streams and rivers and stays in puddles... we have a low area that looks like a pond!

I saw on Facebook that there was an area near the Arctic Circle that reached 84 degrees today... unbelievable .


Joanne Noragon said...

It got that warm here, today. 84. Kicked up all the pollen and now I can't breathe. Oh, well.

Kay said...

Well... We're forecasted to have HUMID weather with lots of showers to add to the humidity. Looks like summer is here.